20, 2024 and Me

DISCLAIMER: This article is more philosophical than technical. Hi, I’m Milan, and I was born 20 years ago. In the relative scope of things, I am considered young. However, as a teacher, I find that when talking to today’s youth, they are often unfamiliar with things that I grew up with, such as VHS tapes and DVDs. Surprisingly, even some of my peers do not know what a Commodore 64 is.
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Why Slovakia’s Public Transport Fare System is (Probably) More Advanced Than the Rest of the Europe

Ever since Google Pay rolled in, I’ve dreamed of the day when I could just leave my wallet home. This dream was crushed fast, when, in 2018, I’ve downloaded an app that was supposed to emulate NFC / RFID tags and cards. It was some sort of generic “Wallet” app (I think it was called just “Cards” or something simular). I’ve added my bus card to the app, went to the bus, tried to pay with phone and nothing.
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A new wild LoRaWan GateWay has appeared… in a middle of a lake?

My last blog post was about my LoRaWan project, and I promised to post updates on this site. So, here I am, with a new update. I live in Žilina, a small (fourth largest) city in Slovakia that does not have any LoRaWan gateways (except one, we will get to that later). So naturally, I decided to buy one. I decided to go with the Mikrotik solution as I already knew RouterOS well and why not.
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I am tryharding my final school project

So, about my final project - I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I did not have any good idea - Make a game? - yeaaaah no, that probably won’t do. Make an app? - About what? I don’t think I can pass with a simple app… Until it hit me - I’ve always wanted to try LoRaWan and makesome sort of large-scale IoT project. So, I decided to make the most complicated IoT project I can think of - a Smart City solution.
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Hello World

Hi, Im Milan, 20 year old student of software development. I am interested mostly in GameDev, altho currently, I work on backend C# project. This is going to be my blog, where I will post about my projects, stuff that I find interesting and maybe some other stuff.
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